Not bad at all. Remake it, and i'll put it on!!
I'm DJ Orange over at Newgrounds Radio. I run a weekly podcast that highlights music, particularly underground stuff.
I WAS actually going to include this, but the static is a bit distracting. I've had the same problem, so i would recommend using Audacity
What i would do is take your voice, and then record about 10 seconds of silence. You use the silence to tell the program what to get rid of, and it seems to get rid of static fairly well..
Also, it would really help you blend your music a bit better, then having it in the background.
Like i said, fix it, and i'll DEFIDENTLY put you on the podcast!! You have a much better voice than you give yourself credit for! it's just your mic is messing it up XD.
If you need help, either PM on Newgrounds, or email me at
If you want to find out about Newgrounds Radio, go here.