This one's going on the old Ipod ;)
If you look at my past reviews, you'll see that it's RARE that i give out a 10 on ANYTHING. However, i feel this is extremely professional sounding work, and would be perfect in one of the action-packed fighting flashes that you see SO much of. I would love to see someone like MindChamber make something of this.
While i'm here, i would like to PERSONALLY tell you that this will be used on the 35 episode of Newgrounds Radio. (Not this weekend, but NEXT weekend)
I would also like to offer you a chance to do an interview. All i would want to know is a few basic things, and it would be a great chance to hopefully make yourself to our small, but fastly growing community. (only about 60 listeners right now)
As a person who listens to LOTS of music on the Newgrounds Portal, you're right up there with the best of the best.
(Generic "Footer" follows :D )
By the way, this song will be used in Episode 35 of Newgrounds Radio Podcast
If you are interested in hearing your song in the podcast, please check in this weekend at
Our official BBS Thread 97236/9999