Very Nice job, never seen one quite like this..
As I go throught the portal, crap stick animation, videos (Video camera videos), and tweening to no end, It's nice to see a very unique concept . This falls under the catergories of "School Project" and "LIfe story", both which i usually consider crappy. However, the reason I hate these two are that they never seem complete. At the end, you only know about 10% of what you wanted to know.
Then I stumble across this flash. I think "Heh, school project. This should be an easy blam." I watch it, and I think "Oh great, some loser's life story." About halfway in, I began to feel a sense of deepness that most flash doesn't get across. All of the other flashes show someone's Idea, but don't really show thier soul. This was an exelent mix of your current life, and a fantasy of the future (Sorry, but I don't think your dream is going to happen.) This found a spot in me that most flashes don't even graze by.
Anyway, before I drag on,(too late) Great job, keep up the work, blah, blah blah. But Just to let you know, this is the most emotional flash I've seen this month (And I've seen around 400 videos, maybe more)