Hello, Mr. Front Page.
This is going on the front page, easy. When i've said that a flash will make it front page, it always has. 8 in a row, and hopefully now 9!
Graphics: Are you the brother of chluaid or something? (Creater of Brakenwood series, if you don't know) Almost shite my pants when i saw how smooth the fight scences were.
Style:Seems a little over the top, but i like that. Where did the monkeys get the ships? Well if it has flying monkeys, it has to be good. I loved how the black gorilla's ears bled when he heard the song.
Sound:Nice job on picking the 2 different song types. That stupid slow song was perfect for some laughs.
Violence: Good fighting, good ship fights, and with the smoothest animation of seen, makes it all the better.
Interactivity:You're a movie. (Sry a play button doesn't count as interactivity.)
Humor: First time i actually laughed out loud watching portal flash in a long time. I like the pimp monkey (The one with bling)
Overall: You are getting on the front page. (Maybe even on top 50 of all time!)